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Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte changing the way women are viewed in the nineteenth century.

Title: Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte changing the way women are viewed in the nineteenth century.
Category: /Social Sciences/Sociology
Details: Words: 2040 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte changing the way women are viewed in the nineteenth century.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is written during a time when women had little rights and little options in life. Society viewed women as second class citizens, especially in England. Bronte's use of Jane Eyre in her novel is to challenge a primitive society, which looks down on women and their value in nineteenth century England. The effectiveness of Bronte's argument is due to both her motivation and approach. Bronte found her motivation from the …showed first 75 words of 2040 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2040 total…views of society. The argument is also supported by examining Jane's relationships and finding that in every confrontation, Jane emerges as a superior and valuable individual. Bronte uses Jane to serve as a prototype for all women, encouraging them to realize their value in society. Jane is also set forth as an example to be viewed by society in order that they might be transformed into a greater civilization that realizes the worth of women.

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