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Book Reports
Category: /Literature
Rex in the year 440 B.C. This tragedy is generally regarded as Sophocles' greatest masterpiece. Even Aristotle writes in his famous book Poetics that the purpose of a tragedy is to arouse pity and fear in the audience. Each of the plays in the
Details: Words: 667 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature
of a man named Siddhartha. The novel can be read on two levels, a literal interpretation, or a general guideline to "decent" behavior. Throughout the novel, the hero Siddhartha is confronted with obstacles that seem to hinder him on the path toward salva
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Category: /Literature
The Bible consists of two main divisions, the New and the Old Testaments. If the main idea of The Bible were to be described in two words, those would be loyalty and forgiveness. Throughout the Old Testament are people larger than life whose moral
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Category: /Literature
definition of a tragedy. Because of Poetics, lecture notes taken by one of Aristotle's students, one knows the definition of a tragedy. From what we know to be true in history, scholars furiously debated the definition of a tragedy. These scholars
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Category: /Literature
Arabian Nights or the 1001 Nights translated by Robert Dawood. The traditional definition of a romance is a long narrative about the adventures of knights or other heroes. Sindbad fits this definition for three main reasons. Therefore, Sindbad is
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Category: /Literature
down the centuries by the oral tradition. The Hobbit is a fantasy novel authored by J.R.R. Tolkien introducing the world-renowned Lord of the Rings series. At first glance, the similarities might seem vague, but the veil opens when examined closely.
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Category: /Literature
through the text of 'Othello' make the story riveting. But before we can understand why events take place and characters motivations' it is important to analyse the geographical arena in which the story of Othello and the moral struggles of the
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Category: /Literature
how do we understand the tone.
Perscy bysshe shelley
Ozymandias is one of the best sonnets that
Shelley wrote. Technically the poem confirms to the sonnet form in having 14 lines.
Ozymandias a Greek form of an Egyptian
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Category: /Literature
young woman of the 1950's and 60's. She attended Smith College on a Academic Scholarship, and wrote award winning works that were submitted to magazines such as Mademoiselle. She projected herself to society as a perfectly content, strong individual
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Category: /Literature
immediately relieves his wife is dead, speaking as if to the reader directly. Being a proud braggart he babbles on about how Fra Pandolf painted this portrait of his last Duchess, making it seem as though having something done by this artist is
Details: Words: 502 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)