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Letter "C" » Carolyn Strauss Quotes

«I don't think it's fair to put the burden on this show and say this show has to be the next 'Sopranos,' because nothing could really wear that mantle.»
«These are well-crafted stories and compelling characters. No matter what time period they're in, we think those elements are magnetic.»
«Much ink has been spent on the tale of getting the show to the screen, ... The proof is in the product, however, and we say without reservation it is a series that charts entirely new ground in terms of scope and ambition, yet remains rooted firmly in the fundamentals of solid characters and well-told stories.»
«Although the first season of ROME is just underway, we're affirming our support for this exciting and ambitious series by preparing for a second season now. I'm delighted that critics and subscribers share our enthusiasm for the show.»
«The show has built momentum with our subscribers and with the critics.»
«Although the first season of 'Rome' is just underway, we're affirming our support for this exciting and ambitious series by preparing for a second season now,»
«I think we're enormously pleased with it on all fronts. This show seemed to strike a chord with audiences and with the critics.»
«I had always assumed that Alan was done with TV. I thought he was going to do movies, so we didn't even try. Then he read this book and said, 'I want to do this.' It was really a beautiful surprise.»
«Of all the gin joints, they had to walk into ours. Everything was going great and then comes this.»

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