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Letter "F" » Francis Gaskins Quotes

«[But bigger doesn't necessarily mean better -- or even good.] If you combine a bunch of regional ISPs hemorrhaging money, then what do you have? ... I'd say you have an unbranded management and financial nightmare.»
«I would expect this offering to be oversubscribed and (the price range) raised,»
«They basically have already spent their IPO money.»
«It doesn't deserve to be public, and wouldn't have a chance if Peapod weren't already out there.»
«This is just another in a long series of companies which are raising public money to pay AOL and Yahoo, who end up being the real winners. If this company goes public, it will definitely prove my theory that fund managers in general do not read prospectuses.»
«People will just walk away if they don't have a healthy income statement.»
«It validates the sector, but it also gives you a chance to participate in the leader.»
«It's a good example of a leveraged buyout that actually works.»
«I would be surprised if there were significant appreciation. Whatever the premium is, three or four points ... because 85 percent of the company is still going to be coming, there is not much they can do to please the public on the upside.»
«It's expensive, but a lot of the other stocks in the sector have been pricey. The whole group has really taken off and a lot of it is because of the popularity of electronic trading.»

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