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Letter "G" » Geoffrey Fieger Quotes

«We do not deny that Nathaniel had the gun that fired the bullet that struck Mr. Green.»
«In the world of psychiatry today, there is no doctor ... who could say that an 11-year-old, with a 6-year-old's mentality, could form criminal intent.»
«I don't think that Dr. Kevorkian, by martyring himself, does anybody any good.»
«Our schools must never again become a shooting gallery. As a result of this suit we will gain subpoena power to assist in the continuing investigations.»
«Dr. Kevorkian's been accused of murder five times. Does that make him a murderer?»
«In just three short years, the Republican attorney general has put the office up for sale in a stench of cronyism with the sale and purchase of political favors.»
«She probably never will progress beyond nine years old.»
«West Virginia juries are as sensitive to the rights of victims as any other juries in the country.»
«This indicates an endemic problem. There's a discounting of children. Robert did exactly what he was taught to do.»
«Because the city of Detroit hasn't covered this up, maybe there's a possibility that they'll come forward and attempt to resolve this matter.»

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