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Letter "J" » Jeff Bezos Quotes

«We think this is a win, win, win for publishers, authors and customers.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«We see this as a win-win-win situation: good for readers, good for publishers and good for authors.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«We feel strongly that copyright holders should get to make these decisions.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«In collaboration with our publishing partners, we're working hard to make the world's books instantly accessible anytime and anywhere,»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«Ultimately publishers and copyright holders will get to make those decisions about how much those pages cost,»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«We believe that over time this could turn into a significant business for Amazon, significant revenue stream for publishers and authors and a helpful customer service for readers,»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«Ultimately for each individual book, pricing will be up to the copyright holders, ... The copyright holders are the ones who get to make these decisions.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«We think this is a big deal, ... If we can bring the world of books to customers, wherever they happen to be, that's a worthwhile thing to work on.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«We have had so many discussions with so many different publishers that it isn't practical to keep it under wraps, ... Too many people know about it.»
Author: Jeff Bezos
«With this launch, our goal is to give customers the Amazon.com experience -- everything from one-click shopping and helpful information to the high level of customer service we traditionally provide -- in the two important categories of toys and electronics.»
Author: Jeff Bezos

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