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Letter "M" » Marcy McGinnis Quotes

«We haven't had this many people committed to a story since I don't know when. We're in it for the long haul - with as many people as it takes to be done.»
«This has been one of the toughest years for breaking news that we've ever had. But the fact is that we have to cover it.»
«Our job is to tell the story and if the story includes that this aid doesn't seem to be getting to the people, and a government office is congratulating itself, then it's our job to point that out.»
«We still have many stories to report ahead of us. How do people start to rebuild their lives? How do they find members of their families? How do they find out if their family and friends are even alive or dead? Where are they going to start their new lives?»
«It's our job to get answers to the many questions still out there, to tell the human stories -- about the living and about those who died -- and to get as much information out to the public as possible, ... We have no intention of leaving anytime soon. We will stay there as long as it takes to tell the stories that need to be told.»
«No one knew that the aftermath, rather than being a second-day story, would get worse and worse, ... The worst hasn't happened yet. The story hasn't peaked yet.»
«We thought of every contingency in that case,»
«They were very, very scared. They were able to get out, but they were very shaken up.»
«On an ordinary hurricane, you get in the day before and you cover the landfall. You cover the day after, maybe a bit of the second day after, and you go home. But this one just keeps getting bigger and bigger.»
«This is one of those areas where we all decided competition is out the window. We're all in there, and we all want to help each other.»

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