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Letter "M" » Martina Hingis Quotes

«I wouldn't necessarily say the draw has opened because she lost. I still have to go out there and do my best.»
«There's not much you can do.»
«Slowly but surely, I'm getting into it and finding my form. I trained really hard coming into these tournaments.»
«She can be very dangerous.»
«Expectations just definitely grow. With every match I'm getting more confidence.»
«I don't think I played my best tennis today. But as long as you win, it's always good. Always room to improve for the next match.»
«I'm glad you're doing this story on us and not on the WNBA. We're so much prettier than all the other women in sports.»
«They're such survivors. I'm sure they're gonna bounce back.»
«I don't think it was that easy when I was down 3-1 today. Every match I get out here is a coming back home.»
«This year I definitely have more matches than her -- that's a plus. Generally it's easier to play somebody like this first round than later in the draw. I have nothing to lose against Justine.»

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