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Letter "W" » Wayne LaPierre Quotes

«In many cases, it was from their homes at gunpoint. There were no receipts given or anything else at a time when there was no 911 response and these citizens were out there on their own protecting their families, ... The worst thing about it is that it was at a time of complete collapse of the government's ability to protect people and they were trying to protect themselves.»
«Gun buyback programs are largely gestures for Mr. Rogers' neighborhood on TV, ... The world of drug dealers and gang members and violent felons -- they don't live in that neighborhood.»
«[The National Rifle Association, the major voice of the powerful gun lobby, greeted the news joyfully.] This is a historic victory for the NRA. Freedom, truth and justice prevailed, ... No other industry is forced to defend themselves when a violent criminal they do not know, have never met and cannot control, misuses a legal non-defective product. American firearms manufacturers will now receive the same fair treatment.»
«Gun buyback programs are largely gestures for Mr. Rogers' neighborhood on TV. The world of drug dealers and gang members and violent felons -- they don't live in that neighborhood.»
«It's a historic piece of legislation. As of Oct. 20, the Second Amendment is probably in the best shape in this country that it's been in decades.»
«Congress finally got frustrated by politicians and gun-ban advocates misusing their trace data in a way that was not only misrepresenting the truth, but was releasing sensitive information that could impede criminal investigation.»
«For someone attacked by criminals to be victimized a second time by a second-guessing legal system is wrong.»
«We were told 25 people went in to get their guns and eight left with their firearms.»
«The city said if we'd withdraw the suit they would return the guns. We have withdrawn it, reserving the right to file again.»
«There was no one too small for Vic to try to help. He really, truly cared about people. That's why he got into politics. He lived it, breathed it and acted it.»

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