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Letter "W" » Wes Chandler Quotes

«I was dying. Here is a guy, third overall, had a fairly productive college career. Now you're the third pick and you're in New Orleans and your career is just about shot. All of a sudden I'm traded to San Diego. You figure out the rest.»
Author: Wes Chandler
«Eventually we'll get to where we'll have two vertical guys outside with Travis inside. That's a special package. It's like a jaguar. It's fast and you have a guy who has good speed who can work inside and win.»
Author: Wes Chandler
«It wasn't a miss with Travis Taylor being drafted where he was. He has all the skills and all the tools. In his coming here, already in his three weeks here, he's displayed that, 'I've found a home.»
Author: Wes Chandler
«I'll have to sit down with him and put in the extra time, and he'll have to put in the extra time. He needs time to refresh his mind, and we've put in some things that he's not aware of.»
Author: Wes Chandler

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