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Letter "T" » Talent

«A best seller is the gilded tomb of a mediocre talent»
«An actress must never lose her ego - without it she has no talent.»
Author: Tom Lehrer (Mathematician, Singer, Song Writer) | About: Talent | Keywords: actress, ego
«An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.»
Author: William Bernbach | About: Talent | Keywords: depending, depending on, rubs, turn to
«A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he starts out, have condemned himself to second-rate thoughts, and to second-rate friends»
«A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.»
Author: Michelangelo | About: Imagination, Inspiration, Painting, Talent | Keywords: paints
«A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage»
Author: Sir Philip Sidney (Statesman) | About: Talent
«A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort.»
«A man may and ought to pride himself more on his will than on his talent»
Author: Honore de Balzac (Novelist) | About: Pride, Talent
«All of us do not have equal talents, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents»
«A career is born in public, talent in privacy.»
Author: Marilyn Monroe (Actress) | About: Careers, Talent | Keywords: in public, privacy

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