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Letter "A" » Al Rauch Quotes

«It seems like it's not really a major association,»
Author: Al Rauch
«They both could be key products.»
Author: Al Rauch
«People who are more science-oriented and innovative tend to look down on me-too drugs, ... there's a lot more risk in being innovative.»
Author: Al Rauch
«Dragging your 10-year-old to get a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease could have some groups pretty upset.»
Author: Al Rauch
«It's certainly a major medical need in the ability to prevent cervical cancer. That gives it the potential to be a blockbuster. We're not expecting a real quick ramp up on this, though it could become a billion dollar drug.»
Author: Al Rauch
«It was not your typical Pfizer conference call,»
Author: Al Rauch
«You just can't grow the top line. I view Pfizer as a duck. They're floating and it looks easy, but they're paddling like crazy underneath.»
Author: Al Rauch
«We think it might make sense for them to try and focus on what they do well, which is Phase III testing and marketing,»
Author: Al Rauch
«There were some people who were giving it only a 50-50 chance [Pfizer] would win. We thought it was a big probability that they'd win. It's not a surprise the stock is moving up. A lot of value investors were on the sidelines, because they just don't buy things that have a huge risk in front of them.»
Author: Al Rauch
«We've seen [generic challengers'] success rate go down dramatically over last year. The drug companies are getting more experienced at defending these challenges.»
Author: Al Rauch

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